#Student experience

UPGRADE – How the ESC Clermont BS is giving a boost to student mobility projects

Going abroad, being open to the world and to others, meeting new people, learning a foreign language, getting accustomed to a new culture… and growing! Our school is convinced of one thing: international mobility is a key step to building a meaningful career.

Travelling: an essential, irreplaceable, and formative experience

Students who have the opportunity to spend time abroad either on a semester or a double degree program, a gap-year, or an internship in another country, will return transformed by their experience, with a strong desire to continue travelling, discover a new interest, learn a new discipline, explore a new career, or plan a trip around the world!

Our actions in favor of student mobility:

With the current pandemic, “Anywhere Working” is becoming the norm. Work practices are changing, and company walls are literally disappearing. For our part, and for many years now, we have been encouraging our students to be active in building their ideal career and seeing the future through the prism of “Working Everywhere”! This dynamic approach, which ensures great adaptability, is also one of the promises of ESC Clermont BS, a promise that is supported by the exemplary careers of many graduates, and international ambassadors of our School.

In spite of the health crisis which is forcing us to reduce our travel projects, we wish to continue to cultivate, at all costs, the open-mindedness of our students and to encourage their next departure abroad.

Giving up is not in the DNA of our school.
Neither is stagnation!

Because desire, enthusiasm and determination are at the heart of our values, we are inviting our students to look ahead, act today and plan for tomorrow.

To encourage their mobility, we are launching the UPGRADE operation today.

What does it mean specifically?

UPGRADE is a 500€ grant delivered by the ESC Clermont Business School to help students finance their next experience abroad (travel, visa, stay, etc.) and, in fine, “upgrade” their CV. It can be cumulative with any other aid or grant.

What are the conditions to apply?

UPGRADE is for all students enrolled at the School in 2020-2021:

“This operation has been imagined for all our students, who have been forced to reduce their international ambitions and projects due to the health crisis in 2020-2021, even though we consider that this experience is essential to their career. We want to give them a financial boost, of course, but also a positive stimulus to live an experience that can enrich their professional and personal lives.”
Françoise Roudier, Managing Director of ESC Clermont Business School

What are the conditions to apply?

In order to benefit from the UPGRADE grant, students must be planning to travel abroad** in 2021 or 2022, for a minimum of 2 months, as part of one of the following projects:

  • A semester or a full-year in a Double Degree program at one of the School’s partner universities
  • A semester or a full year in a Double Degree program at a non-partner university or institution
  • An internship or work abroad
  • A humanitarian mission abroad
  • A personal project (world tour, trek, etc.) abroad

NB: This experience can take place during the course of the study program (before graduation) or at the end of the program for students completing their studies in 2021.

How to apply?

To receive this grant, students must register by declaring their intention to go abroad, online, before June 30 (this declaration is not a commitment but is essential to take part in this operation). The registered students will then be invited to present their departure abroad project and send us a copy of their CV in English. The students concerned by the UPGRADE grant will receive their 500€ financial aid within 15 days after their departure.

Register online

* Excluding international students already on exchange with us and MSc students.
** The UPGRADE grant does not cover any travel to the country of origin/residence of international students

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