
Ukraine solidarity: The ESC Clermont Business School provides support

In response to the attack of Ukraine by Russia, multiple emergency solidarity actions are being organized to welcome Ukrainian scientists. It is in this context that various actors and partners of the ESC Clermont Business School have decided to offer their help and support. We continue to hope that this is only a parenthesis and that a return to peace will allow the displaced populations to resume their normal lives soon.

Mobilizing and providing immediate support

In this singular context, a group of professors from ESC Clermont Business School was quickly formed to organize the reception of a Ukrainian researcher and family. The group decided to support a professor in difficulty due to the ongoing conflict and provide alternative assistance to cover the financial costs not covered by existing government aids.

Together with the help of the ESC Clermont Group Foundation, the ESC Clermont Business School’s General Management was able to create a supplementary teaching post. The Ukrainian researcher accompanied by her daughter was finally able to become a member of the ESC Clermont BS faculty at the end of August, just before the start of the school year. The quality of her research and the themes on which she works have also enabled her to join the CleRMa laboratory teams.

Organizing the reception and equipping the apartment

Thanks to a spontaneous surge of solidarity, both internally and externally and the aid of ESC Clermont BS partners, the school was able to organize accommodation, provide living essentials, furnish the flat and supervise the various administrative procedures. The staff of ESC Clermont BS provided their immediate and full support!

The school’s partner companies, in particular those linked to our Retail Management program, have also strongly participated in this solidarity action by providing most of the furnishings as well as essential equipment (kitchen, decoration, household appliances, etc.).

On behalf of the professor-researcher who was able to settle in France and join our teaching team at the beginning of the school year, I would like to thank all those who were involved and invested in making this possible.

’’ Created with Sketch.

And students, too, in solidarity

Shortly after the outbreak of the armed conflict, the students of the “Pôle Huma” association organized a large collection of donations in partnership with the Protection Civile du Puy de Dôme. In a few days, they had collected 102 kilos of donations of basic necessities – 11 boxes of emergency aid for the Ukrainians.

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