
ESC Clermont BS: Partner of the National Guard

ESC Clermont Business School maintains strong ties with the National Guard. As an employer, the School provides its support to ensuring reservists’ availability in case of mobilization as well as the continuity of their remuneration. As a higher education institution, it is committed to promoting the reserve among its students and the status of the Engagement to Serve the Reserve (ESR).

Since 2019, this partnership has demonstrated our School’s commitment to reserve policies and the spirit of defense and security. Beyond providing support to employees who wish to become reservists, ESC Clermont Business School actively promotes awareness and the student-reservist status within its student body.

Specifically, first-year Bachelor and Grande École Program students can substitute reservist training for their discovery internship. Additionally, the time spent as a student-reservist results in an extra mention on the diploma, which is highly valued by companies, along with additional educational credits.

We are convinced that being a student-reservist develops a strong sense of civic engagement and fosters the emergence of new skills and competencies useful for becoming responsible managers with a genuine team spirit in the future.

Géraldine Minguet Economic Development
at ESC Clermont BS
’’ Created with Sketch.

To date, 10 students from the Grande École Program are engaged in various military corps (92nd Infantry Regiment of Clermont-Ferrand, 28th Transmission Regiment…) and the Gendarmerie.

On July 5th, ESC Clermont BS and the National Guard will renew the signing of their partnership agreement, thereby strengthening their ties and underscoring the sharing of common values.

Did you know?

The reserve is a system that allows contributing to the country’s defense and security through an ongoing civic pathway, open to every French citizen. It involves dedicating part of one’s time to reinforce internal security forces and the military in their daily missions.

Volunteers commit to serving in the reserve of the armed forces and attached formations under the Ministry of the Armed Forces or in the reserve of the gendarmerie and national police under the Ministry of the Interior.

In this context, they receive specific training and preparation, as well as a remuneration of €1,520 for 31 days of reinforcement per year. In 2018, 16% of French reservists were students.

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