
ESC Clermont Business School obtains the AMBA international accreditation

Triple A : AMBA, EPAS et AACSB.
AMBA is the third international accreditation obtained by ESC Clermont, the other two being  the AACSB in 2006 and EPAS in 2019

This accreditation is issued by the Association of Masters of Business Administration, a British accreditation agency, which audits Postgraduate programmes as well as Masters of Business Administration. The AMBA label is currently held by 260 institutions worldwide, including 20 French Grandes Ecoles.

This is an important step for ESC Clermont and a strong indication of its success in achieving the goals of its strategic plan “Cap 2022 – Vision 2025” with quality standards being at the core of this strategy. By meeting the demanding specifications of international accreditation bodies, the School demonstrates the value of its Grande Ecole model with a human and international dimension.

Obtaining this accreditation validates the programme’s strategy, its positioning and its “glocal” impact – strong territorial footprint and intense international activity. The auditors particularly praised the personalized pastoral care provided to students by faculty, the close links with the corporate world and the remarkable commitment of all stakeholders, which characterizes the programmes that fell under review.

The Master in Management, which has graduated more than 80% of its 13,000 alumni since the School’s creation, trains future executives and managers who create value at the economic, social and societal levels and who are capable of understanding the issues and complexity of the business world. This programme is recognised for the richness of its content and the diversity of possible career paths (joining reputable companies, studying abroad, vast choice of professional specialisations) and is distinguished by a strong entrepreneurial component that is highly valued by companies and students alike. In 2020, this flagship programme, offered in French and in full-English, will have more than 700 students, 30% of whom are international.

The Executive Master in Management is a track proposed to professionals with many years of work experience seeking to improve their business competencies, update their industry knowledge and develop their managerial skills.

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