
SECTORAL RANKINGS: ESC Clermont BS stands out!

During spring, rankings were flourishing and the ESC Clermont Business School was not left out. Regardless of the rainy weather in May, our school has been rewarded for its efforts in the publication of new sectoral rankings.

In the TOP 2 of the best business schools in SPORT Management

Initially created to meet the specific needs of the major sport clubs in the region and their training centers, our Sport Business program has grown over the years. Today, our school provides a concrete response to a strong demand for new professions linked to the evolution of sport business. In addition to the possibility offered to high-level athletes to combine their sporting life with their student life, we offer courses, starting with the bachelor’s degree (bac+3) and continuing with further studies, to prepare students for the numerous professions in sports marketing and sports business.

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In the TOP 3 of the best business schools in Sustainable Development Management

Our school has chosen to integrate issues related to sustainable development at the heart of its programs and all the courses offered in the Master Grande Ecole program. With the creation of the MSc “Transforming Mobility, Business Models and Vehicles for the Future” and the MSc “Strategy & Design for the Anthropocene” conceived in partnership with the Strate School of Design, we are committed to raising awareness and training students ready to lead change.

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In the ranking of the best business schools in DIGITAL MARKETING

UpToSchool also examined the digital revolution and the training offers of 11 Grandes Ecoles including ESC Clermont Business School!

Indeed, the preparation to digital communication and E-business jobs is not new for our school. For several years now, we have been offering programs that allow students to evolve in these areas of expertise. With our Grande Ecole program, we train students capable of mastering digital issues with accuracy. Two majors are particularly interesting for those who wish to evolve in this field of expertise: our Digital Marketing & Communication major and our Digital Design Manager major.

Our students can take advantage of their last year at ESC Clermont BS to prepare a double-diploma. At no extra cost, they can choose to add another string to their bow by following our Master of Science International Commerce and Digital Marketing. All this, while doing a work-study program if they wish!

Finally, with our new Bachelor’s Program in Digital Communication and E-Business, for which Fabien Versavau will be the official mentor at the start of the 2021 academic year, we intend to broaden our training offer in this promising field. This three-year program, which starts after high-school, will enable students to become truly operational in a number of digital-related fields.

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In the TOP 5 business schools praised for their SOCIAL POLICIES.

“At a time when the crisis is raising the question of our students’ resources, it is clear that the major business schools have been particularly active with their foundations, grants, scholarships and total or partial scholarships.” For this ranking, Le Parisien Etudiant took into account the following indicators: the cost of tuition and exemptions, as well as the aid granted and the percentage of students in work-study programs.

In order to be affordable for the brightest students, we keep our tuition fees low and allow our students to take all-inclusive double degrees. We also grant numerous aids through our Foundation (119,000 € of aid directly allocated to students in 2020).

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In the TOP 10 of business schools praised for their support for apprenticeships and internships

“Here again, this is the strong point of the major French business schools. They have been able to reinforce this system in a remarkable way during this complicated year for students, on the internship or employment front. Here, we are discovering schools with a national or even territorial vocation that are performing remarkably well, given their strong presence.”

Our school, firmly “student centric” and repeatedly praised for the quality of its support and its corporate relations service, easily entered the TOP 10.

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