
The Bachelor in Digital Communication and E-Business becomes the Bachelor in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce Management.

Launched in 2021 by ESC Clermont BS, the Bachelor previously known as Digital Communication & E-Business (CDEB) has recently been renamed Digital Marketing and E-Commerce (DMECM). The aim is to better meet the evolving expectations of students and businesses.

In a constantly changing market, where the digital transformation of companies has rapidly accelerated, creating stronger skill demands, the School questioned the relevance of updating its Bachelor program’s name.

Following an internal audit and a survey among the Bachelor 1 DMECM students, previously CDEB, a necessary step to contextualize the market and stay in tune with the expectations of students and companies, the School decided to align with market trends and adapt by enhancing its curriculum and renaming the program DMECM – Digital Marketing E-Commerce Management.

A cutting-edge program, equivalent to a 3-year Bachelor's degree

Open to high school graduates, this three-year program, recognized at the highest level by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), provides advanced training and addresses the growing need for digital skills by covering all aspects of digital marketing and e-commerce.

Combining hands-on immersion in the international digital ecosystem, professional experiences, specializations, and soft skills development, the DMECM Bachelor program offers a complete study path, either as a full-time course or as a work-study program in the third year.

Open to high school graduates, the DMECM Bachelor will also be available to international students starting in September with the 3rd year of the Bachelor program offered entirely in English.

Did you know?

With the aim of providing practical immersions for DMECM Bachelor students, two major events will be organized in October for 1st-year students and November for 2nd-year students: a Digital Week in Dublin with visits to Indeed, LinkedIn, and Google, as well as a Fall Semester at Nova SBE, a business school in Lisbon.

As for 3rd-year students, they will participate in the 10th edition of the SoliTudiant challenge, a national disability-solidarity competition designed to promote the growth of Adapted Enterprises (EA) and Work Assistance Centers (ESAT).

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