
Un nouveau Conseil d'Administration Alumni pour l’ESC Clermont BS

The General Assembly of the Alumni Association of ESC Clermont Business School took place on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. This key event allowed for the review of past activities and the expression of gratitude to all the elected members for their involvement. Candidates for the new Board of Directors presented their projects and ambitions.

The evening began with the presentation of the activity report for the past three years, followed by the financial report for 2023/2024. These presentations highlighted the Association’s achievements and challenges overcome, while emphasizing collective successes and the network’s dynamism.

The highlight of the Assembly was the election of the new Board of Directors and the re-election of Jean-Yves Sabot as President for a new 3-year term.

A motivated and active team has been established to serve the interests of the alumni and student community by creating opportunities to gather, meet, support each other, and thrive. This enables the network to be vibrant locally and for alumni to develop throughout their personal and professional lives.

Jean-Yves Sabot President of the Alumni Association ’’ Created with Sketch.

Continuity and Commitment

The new Board of Directors consists of 11 members from the Alumni community (9 graduates and 2 students) ready to proudly represent the school and its graduates for a new term.

  • Jean-Yves Sabot – President, graduate of 1995
  • Delphine Buguet – Vice President, graduate of 2003
  • Pascal Weill – Treasurer, graduate of 1991
  • Julie Scaringella – Secretary, graduate of 2017

  • Téo Bertrand, graduate of 2019 & 2021
  • Léa Boulanger, graduate of 2021 & 2023
  • Marion Malinvaud-Ferlin, graduate of 1999
  • Ugo Meresse, graduate of 2020
  • Alizée Roche, graduate of 2021 & 2024
  • Emma Greliche, Bachelor student, class of 2025
  • Marjolaine Maunoury, PGE 3 student, class of 2025 & Bachelor graduate of 2023

Ambitions for the Future

The newly re-elected Board of Directors and its president plan numerous initiatives for the 2024-2027 term. The announced projects include organizing events, personalizing professional and personal services, enhancing student integration, collaborative actions with the School, giving support to the Foundation, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

With its experience and renewed vision, the Board of Directors aims to strengthen the bonds between alumni and students while promoting the School through innovative and impactful projects!

Did You Know?

In 2024, the Alumni Association of ESC Clermont Business School boasts a network of 16,000 members (nearly 14,000 graduates and 2,000 students) present in 100 countries!

It forms a professional support network based on a community that studied at ESC Clermont Business School and shares common values (collaborative, fraternal, entrepreneurial, balanced). Its mission is to promote the professional and personal development of its members (graduates and students).


The Association also supports the school with its development. To enhance its attractiveness and influence, it strives to promote the graduates and the skills of ESC Clermont Business School alumni, as well as the quality of the programs.

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