#Campus Life

Talent Show: 1 month to get to know each other and create a show

It has been an exceptional new school year for the 195 students in the first year of the Bachelor in International Management and the Bachelor in Digital Communication & e-Business! Engaged in a collective project, the two classes now have less than a month to create a Talent Show from scratch.

Being an actor in your formation

After a series of ” ice-breaking ” sessions allowing the students to introduce themselves, the ESC Clermont BS pedagogical teams presented the students with the challenge of the new school year: the organisation of a Talent Show in one month!

  • Their mission: to promote all the talents within their class in a creative and coherent way.
  • The objectives: to create a class spirit, to familiarise students with project management and group work while boosting their autonomy.

Encouraging the integration of international students

Another objective of this strong pedagogical time: to allow international students to find their place more easily and to integrate more quickly, following the example of Doha who discovered ESC Clermont BS and its Digital Communication & e-Business programme during the “Choose France” student fair in Cairo.

Organising this Talent Show allows me to get to know my classmates and to find my place! In the communication section, I have several tasks: conducting satisfaction surveys, writing gratitude emails and publishing content in English on social networks!

Doha International student ’’ Created with Sketch.

Did you know that?

The ESC Clermont Business School aims to prepare future actors of change and to stimulate the critical thinking of its students. In a context of concern and climate crisis, the pedagogical teams have proposed to the students to articulate the whole show around an inspiring theme: “A better world”.

Many efforts are also made on the pedagogical aspect in order for new skills to grow and soft skills to emerge. To do this, we rely on active teaching and personal development. We increase the number of opportunities for our students to learn to work together in the form of work groups or challenges, and we offer conferences and MakeSense meetings so that each student can build a meaningful professional project in line with his or her values and talents.

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